
Our Music Ministry -

Songs That Live!

Music Ministry

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.


"Judgement & Redemption Must Begin In The House Of God."

- Bro Vin A. Dayal


There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. - PSALMS 46:4


The Holy Women Who Trusted in God

March 2017

Women Of Faith

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:


Modern Events Made Clear, Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated ProphecyBy Vindicated Prophecy

Bro. W.M. Branham - 30th November 1958

The Watchers

Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated Prophecy

2002-0111 - Exhortation 2004.01.04 - The Race That Is Set Before Us
2002-0120 - Faith And The Subconscious 2004.05.30 - A Name Written On His Thigh
2002-1115 - Exhortation 2004.06.30 - The Supreme Judge In The Lord's Day Pt. 2
2002-1201 - Coming of the Headstone Pt. 1 2004.09.01 - Behold This Dreamer Cometh 
2002-1202 - Coming of the Headstone Pt. 2 2004.09.05 - Joseph, An Example Of Suffering Affliction and Patience
2002-1231 - The Cleansing Of The Sanctuary 2004.09.15 - Joseph Tested And Tried Before The Promise
2003-0202 - To Kill And Then To Take Possession 2004.09.24 - Retreat With Singing, Music & Affiliated Ministries
2003-0216 - Children Of The Stock Of Abraham
                     (Betrothal Of Bro. Michael James & Sis. Arlene Weston)  
2004.09.26 - Joseph The Overcomer
2003-0713 - The Influence Of Heavenly Example 2004.10.10 - By Faith, Joseph
2003-0823pm - One Bread And One Body 2004.10.13 - By Faith, Joseph Pt 2
2003.06.25 - Testimony Of Trip To St.Kitts 2004.10.24 - Joseph's Hidden Power
2003.08.10 - Supernatural Atmosphere Pt. 1 2004.11.05 - Endtime Evangelism
2003.08.17 - Supernatural Atmosphere Pt. 3 2004.11.07 - Joseph's Manasseh And Ephraim
2003.08.31 - Supernatural Atmosphere Pt. 4 2004.11.26 - Giving Thanks From A Grateful Heart
2003.09.07 - Supernatural Atmosphere Pt. 5 2004.11.28 - Joseph's Descension & Ascension
2003.11.19 - Exhortation And Prayer 2004.12.01 - Giving Thanks From A Grateful Heart Pt. 2
2003.12.28 - The Pregnated Virgin Bride 2004.12.05 - Joseph's Unseen Guide

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