Pastor's Posts

These Scriptures, Quotes & Notes will provide much inspiration for a student of God's Word.

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Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.


"Judgement & Redemption Must Begin In The House of God."

- Bro Vin A. Dayal


There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. - PSALMS 46:4


The Holy Women Who Trusted in God

March 2017

Women Of Faith

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:


Modern Events Made Clear, Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated ProphecyBy Vindicated Prophecy

Bro. W.M. Branham - 30th November 1958

The Watchers

Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated Prophecy

2005.11.30 - Spirit Beings Dimensions and Bodies
2006.06.20 - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt.1 (Serbia)
2006.06.21 - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 2 (Serbia)
2006.06.22am - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 3 (Serbia)
2006.06.22pm - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 4 (Serbia)
2006.06.23 - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 5 (Serbia)
2006.06.24am - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 6 (Serbia)
2006.06.24pm - The Unsealing of The Book of Ruth Pt. 7 (Serbia)
2006.08.24 - Fear Not, Ruth
2006.09.03 - Suffering and Glory
2006.09.06 - Exhortation and Testimony
2006.09.17 - The Return of The Seventh Dove
2006.09.20 - Seeing The Vision and The Confirmation of Your Dead Enemy
2006.09.21 - Seeing The Lord Coming Down On The Wings of The Seventh Dove
2006.09.22 - Seeing The Seventh Dove Leading God's Eagles In The Final Ride
2006.09.24 - The Divine Mystery of Mate Selection (Betrothal of Bro. Mark Sealey and Sis. Lesley Wellington)
2006.10.29 - The Loosing of The Raven and The Dove PT 1
2006.11.01 - The Loosing of The Raven and The Dove PT 2
2006.11.05 - The Loosing of The Raven and The Dove PT 3
2006.11.11 - Wedding Ceremony of Bro. Mark Sealey and Sis. Lesley Wellington
2006.11.12 - The Dove, The Sign of A New Creation
2006.12.08 - Prayer and Testimonies
2006.12.13 - Brothers Meeting No.4 (Exhortation and Testimonies)
2006-1124 - Study On Is This The Sign of The End, Sirs Pt-5
2006-1217 - Study On 'Is This The Sign of The End Sir' Pt.9

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