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I and My Father Are One
Sunday 21 Jul, 1985 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

Jehovah's Masterpiece Unveiled But Yet Veiled Pt. 2
Thursday 18 Jul, 1985 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

Jehovah's Masterpiece Unveiled But Yet Veiled Pt. 1
Sunday 14 Jul, 1985 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

This Is My Beloved Son in Whom I'm Well Pleased
Thursday 11 Jul, 1985 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

This Is My Beloved Son, Hear Ye Him
Sunday 7 Jul, 1985 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Bride Has The Mind Of Christ
Sunday 14 Oct, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

Insanity In The Mind Age Pt. 2
Sunday 7 Oct, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

Insanity In The Mind Age Pt. 1
Friday 5 Oct, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Seven Angels With The Seven Vials
Wednesday 3 Oct, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

Another Sign in Heaven Revealing The Wrath Of God
Sunday 23 Sep, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Road That Leads To Armageddon
Saturday 22 Sep, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

A Great Earthquake and A Great Hail
Friday 21 Sep, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Two Suppers Of The Great God
Thursday 20 Sep, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Unveiling Of Jehovah's Masterpiece Pt. 2
The Perfect Matching Piece To The Promises Of God For This Bride Age
Sunday 26 Aug, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Tucson, Arizona, United States

The Unveiling Of Jehovah's Masterpiece Pt. 1
Sunday 26 Aug, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Tucson, Arizona, United States

The Unveiling Of Jehovah's Masterpiece
Sunday 19 Aug, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in British Colombia, Canada

A Plague Of Locusts
Wednesday 11 Jul, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Great River Euphrates
Tuesday 10 Jul, 1984 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Bride Coming Of Christ Pt. 4
Sunday 25 Dec, 1983 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

The Bride Coming Of Christ Pt. 3
Thursday 22 Dec, 1983 by Bro. Vinworth Dayal in Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago

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