2007 Sermons [PDF] There is no translation available. Search Download Total Files Count : Total Size : Filename Display: Todos 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 2007-0112 Dreams, Visions and Dimensions Pt. 1 2007-0114 Dreams, Visions and Dimensions Pt. 2 2007-0204 Dreams, Visions, Prophecy and Dimensions Pt. 1 2007-0209 Dreams, Visions, Prophecies and Dimensions Pt. 3 2007-0516 The Prayer of Nehemiah and Ezra Pt. 1 2007-0520pm This Battle Is Not Yours But God’s 2007-0525 The Prayers of Nehemiah and Ezra Pt. 2 2007-0527 Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, The Bride, The Lamb’s Wife 2007-0530 The Measuring of Heavenly Jerusalem 2007-0601 The Temple and The Vessels Pt. 1 2007-0603 The Temple and The Vessels Pt. 2 2007-0608 The Temple and The Vessels Pt. 3 2007-0610 Mystery Babylon and Mystery Jerusalem Pt. 2 2007-0620 Being Awakened To The Fulfilling of Prophecy 2007-0627 Come And Let Us Build Up The Wall of Jerusalem 2007-0629 Building Jerusalem’s Wall Without Breaches 2007-0722 Jehovah Tsidkenu, The Branch 2007-0725 Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, God’s Chosen and Desired Habitation 2007-0810 And I Will Fill This House With Glory 2007-0811 A Pyramid City Having the Glory of God 2007-0812 The Return of The Glory of God In The Feast of Tabernacles 2007-0819 A Brand Plucked out of the Fire 2007-0909 The Lord’s Vengeance of His Temple Pt. 1 2007-0912 The Lord’s Vengeance of His Temple Pt. 2 2007-0929am Ministers' Fellowship (Betim, Brazil) 2007-1130 Because Thou Hast Kept The Word of My Patience 2007-1202am I Will Keep Thee From The Hour of Temptation 2007-1202pm Being Kept In The Midst of The Economic Siege 2007-1205 Behold I Come Quickly 2007-1212pm Ministers' Fellowship Pt. 2 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 2007-1213am Ministers' Fellowship Pt. 3 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 2007-1213pm Ministers' Fellowship Pt. 4 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 2007-1214am Ministers' Fellowship Pt. 5 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 2007-1231 Revelation 10 My Light, My Salvation, The Strength of My Life