We salute Pr. Wanderley Lemos
Our beloved and precious friend a great Servant of God who has completed His earthly journey as an Overcomer and has gone into glory to be gathered to His People, His converts, the 7 Messengers and will return soon to us at the Last Trump.

2 Timothy 4 : 6-8.
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Broken Cisterns - 64-0726E  
90. Let us bow our heads, praying that God will so richly bless each of you that His grace and mercy will be with you through the coming week, and if anything should happen that one of you may slip beyond the veil now, just remember, that it's only a few hours of sleep and rest until we meet. Remember that they which are alive and remain shall not hinder those which are sleeping, for the Trump of God, that Last Trumpet (the sixth one has just sounded), and that Last Trumpet like the Last Seal, will be the Coming of the Lord; it shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Just resting till that time.
And if you should get hurt, remember:Take the Name of Jesus with you, As a shield from every snare; And when temptations around you gather, Just breathe that holy Name in prayer. Devils will flee.

Going Beyond The Camp - 64-0719E
12. All of us know Brother Bill Dauch setting here in the corner. And oh, how thankful we are for all of God's great blessings. May it continue to be with us until that Last Trumpet blows. And you know, we'll be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. Think of it. Missing people, they can't see you no more, but you're getting together with the rest of the group. "They which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or 'hinder,' the word is) those which are asleep."
Not dead, no, Christians don't die. They're just taking a little rest (See?); that's all. Oh, my. "And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, appear to many..." And all at once you happen to stand and look, and "Well, there's a brother..." And you know it ain't long. In a few minutes we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and together with them be missing on earth, caught up to meet the Lord in the air.  

Our Music Ministry -

Songs That Live!

Music Ministry

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.


"Judgement & Redemption Must Begin In The House Of God."

- Bro Vin A. Dayal


There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. - PSALMS 46:4


The Holy Women Who Trusted in God

March 2017

Women Of Faith

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:


Modern Events Made Clear, Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated ProphecyBy Vindicated Prophecy

Bro. W.M. Branham - 30th November 1958

The Watchers

Modern Events Made Clear, By Vindicated Prophecy

There is no translation available.

1999.01.01 - Dinner and Fellowship With Saints From Tobago and Grenada 1999.06.20 - If I Forget Thee Oh Jerusalem
1999.01.06 - Men's Meeting #1 1999.06.27 - Rebuilding Jerusalem's Walls In Troublous Times Pt 1
1999.01.15 - Prayer Service (The Necessity Of Prayer) 1999.06.30 - Family Series #14- Submission To Headship
1999.01.17 - United By One Language And Under One Headship 1999.07.02 - Rebuilding Jerusalem's Walls In Troublous Times Pt 2-Nehemiah Chapter 3
1999.01.19 - Awards Ceremony 1999.07.04 - Heavenly Jerusalem, The Living City Of The Living God
1999.01.20 - Family Series #2-Bone Of My Bone And Flesh Of My Flesh 1999.07.07 - Family Series #15 - Submission Is The Woman's Victory
1999.01.27 - Family Series #3-Because Of The Hardness Of Your Hearts 1999.07.09 - Prayer Service-Exhortation-A Brand Plucked Out Of The Fire
1999.01.31 - From A Bondmaid To A Freewoman 1999.07.11 - Eternal Priesthood For An Eternal City
1999.02.03 - The Results Of False Union (Youth Service) 1999.07.16 - A Refilling Of The Holy Spirit
1999.02.19 - Exhortation on Hosea 1999.07.28 - Substance And Shadow PT 1(Youth Service)
1999.03.03 - Family Series #5- Co-equalness And Headship 1999.08.01 -  Substance And Shadow Pt 2
1999.03.06 - Singers And Musicians Retreat (Lopinot) 1999.08.04 - The Power Of An Endless Life (Betrothal Of Bro. John Smith And Sis. June Allert)
1999.03.07pm - Praise Service 1999.08.11 - Two Orders Of Life
1999.03.09 - Farewell Dinner For Ohio Saints 1999.08.15 - Enoch's Sign In Egypt(Bethrothal Of Bro. Trevor Beckles And Sis. Beverly Campbell)
1999.03.10 - Family Series #6- The Sacredness Of The Bedding Ground Pt. 1 1999.08.18 - YPS - Testimonies
1999.03.21 - Falsifying The Balances By Deceit 1999.08.25 - Jerusalem, The City Of Perfect Love
1999.03.24 - The Evidence Of True Sonship (Youth Service) 1999.08.27 - Eternal Stones For An Etenal City
1999.03.28 - Exhortation 1999.08.29pm - The Mystery Of The Feast Of Tabernacles
1999.05.05 - Men's Meeting #9 1999.09.05 - The Capping Of The Pyramid
1999.05.07 - Taking Sides Against Ourselves 1999.09.10 - Exhortation
1999.05.12 - Endangered Species 1999.09.15 - Exhortation And Prayer (Let Us Keep The Feast)
1999.05.14 -Prayer And Exhortation (Consider Thy Ways) 1999.09.24 - Prayer Service - Don't Despise The Chastening Of The Lord
1999.05.16 - The Fall Of Babylon And The Rise Of Jerusalem 1999.10.03 - The Three Great Prophetic Feasts
1999.05.19 - Family Series #8- Understanding And Dealing With Our Hereditary Pt 1 1999.10.31 - Testimony Of Trip To Republic Of The Congo
1999.05.26 - Family Series #9 - Understanding And Dealing With Our Hereditary Pt 2 1999.11.15 - Farewell Dinner and Presentation for visiting saints
1999.05.28 - Exhortation - A Word To The Church 1999.11.21 - What House Have You Built Me
1999.05.30 - Jerusalem, City Of Truth And Holiness 1999.12.03 - Exhortation And Prayer
1999.06.02 - Family Series #10-Inheriting Sicknesses And Weaknesses By Birth Pt. 1 1999.12.05 - The Building Of David's House And The Lord's House
1999.06.04 - Prospering Under The Prophesied Word 1999.12.12 - The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand Pt 1
1999.06.06 - Jerusalem Which Is Above 1999.12.15 - The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand Pt 2
1999.06.09 - Family Series #11- Inheriting Sicknesses And Weaknesses By Birth Pt 2 1999.12.18 - Meeting With Ministers, Deacons, Workers
1999.06.11 - Communion Service 1999.12.19 - He That Hath The Key Of David Pt 1
1999.06.13 - The Vision Of A Fortified Jerusalem 1999.12.22 - He That Hath The Key Of David Pt 2
1999.06.16 - Family Series #12- The Sovereignity Of God Working Through Heredity And Environment 1999.12.26 - The Hidden Messiah(Bethrothal Of Bro. Joel Bishop And Sis. Elizabeth Bramble)
1999.06.18 - Nehemiah's Love For Jerusalem(Nehemiah Chapter 1) 1999.12.31 - God Is  Our Refuge And Strenght In The Zero Hour

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